The North Woodvale Primary School P&C Association (P&C) currently meets twice a term on Tuesday evenings.

The P&C has the following Committees:
  • Second Hand Uniform – second hand uniforms can be donated by parents to the Community Hub and any parents requiring extra uniforms can find the uniform cupboard in the Hub. The second hand uniform cupboard works on an honesty system with all prices noted and the P&C bank account provided.
  • Book Club – the P&C use Scholastic book club catalogues and these are provided to each child once per term. Parents can use the Scholastic LOOP system to order and pay for the books. 20% of all funds received through the book club is donated back to the school either via the School Library or in class resources. A book fair is held either annually or bi-annually depending on the busyness of the school and volunteers.
  • Canteen – our amazing Canteen is open 5 days a week and this Committee helps to plan the menu as well as any special events that are held during the year. Our canteen holds membership with the WA School Canteens Association where ideas and information are shared. Our canteen is always encouraging of new volunteers and a lot of the food provided is cooked from scratch.
  • Safety House – we are members of Safety House and ensure that safety houses in the area are kept up to date and are a place of safety for children away from the safety of their home that has been thoroughly checked and designated as a safe place. The safety house team provide an information session every couple of years to kids.
  • Fundraising – our fundraising team have organised many events including discos, colour runs, fetes, lap-a-thons, quiz nights, movie nights, special fundraising drives and annual Mothers and Fathers Day stalls.

The P&C is governed by the rules in its Constitution as well as the WA Council of State Schools Organisation Our annual financial return is audited by an independent Auditor appointed annually. The P&C is extremely supportive of the school and has supported the physical education program, literacy and numeracy programs, the arts programs and the positive education focus of the school through Grow Your Mind Day.

Membership to the P&C is $1 per year which gives voting rights at any meeting during the year as well as minutes of meetings being provided. The AGM is held before 30 April every year and all positions are vacant at this time. Officeholders of the P&C include a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, a Committee Coordinator of all Committees and a P&C Representative who is also a School Board member. From these officeholders, an Executive Committee is appointed for any urgent decisions that are required to be made between meetings.

The P&C has a Facebook Group where P&C relevant information is shared. This page does not allow selling of goods or services and all posts are moderated by members of the P&C.

If you would like to receive any further information, please feel free to contact the P&C via

P&C Membership Form
P&C Membership Form
P&C Constitution